Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Back from Vegas

I was gone for about a week without internet. While I was gone I received these worthy submissions from the good people of Los Angeles who are just as frustrated by rampant parking lot jackassery, as I am. Let's take a look.

The ole, Double Dildo move

Classic "Park how I want cuz I drive a BMW" job

I see that nothing's changed since I left last week. Thanks to Senpai TattMaylor for the photos. I got a couple other doozies that'll come up soon after I can figure out what the hell is wrong with the files.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Another outlet for me to bitch.

This place is fairly specific though. This space is all about people who are too much of a douche to park like a normal, civilized human being. I intentionally refrain from accusing these people of not being able to park properly, because deep down, I truly believe that they can. I think they just choose not to. Which is exactly how they earn their douche status, cuz they know better, they just choose to be a dick.  Then again, maybe they are retards that don't know better, and they should learn to park.

Here's a couple to start us off. 

"This guy took the two spots right next to the elevator..."
submitted by Cpt. C. 

Sherman Oaks Mall Parking lot.

Comments and contributions accepted. Feel free to send me other pics of douchebag park-jobs at
